Once again, I want to share
Marnie’s excellent website, http://carrotsareorange.com/montessori-sensorial/, to remind
parents and educators how important an awareness of sensorial activities is for
the developing brain. Maria Montessori’s observations
and experiences in the 1900’s showed that a child’s intellect is developed
through his senses—a philosophy based in science and since confirmed in modern
day studies.
Montessori schools offer a variety of sensorial
materials and methods to encourage the child’s development. Websites like marnie@carrotssareorange.com,
, debchitwood@livingmontessorinow.com,
and many more, are created to help parents with at-home children. Homeschooling
is becoming popular with parents studying Montessori methods and making their
own materials. Maria Montessori would be happy with whatever works for the
families and the child.
Marnie quotes from Pat Wolfe’s
book, How the Brain Learns, “The only way to get
information into the brain is through our senses,” and from Bronowski: “You could not get a
human being to build anything unless the child had put together a set of
I’m reminded of the thousands of Legos, Tinker
toys, Lincoln logs, and electro pieces that my five sons enjoyed creating
imaginative structures. Today they are entrepreneurs and doctors.
Another recent, very creative post of Marnie’s is, http://carrotsareorange.com/sensory-activity-toddlers-preschoolers,
Please read my book, Montessori—Living
the Good Life. www.montessoritheory.com
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