I couldn’t resist . . . I had to Google. The news of this new
particle is exciting scientists all over the world. I’m excited reading about it but don’t ask me
to explain what it’s all about. Some physicists are calling it the God
Particle, suggesting it is the beginning of life, the beginning of mass; but
most scientists are more cautious, saying it is potentially the beginning of
many more experiments and new theories to explore.
Reading and meditating on this news causes me to wonder about
a newly conceived child and its potential as a human being. Who knows what
his/her future may bring to our world, to our universe. Is their creation any
less magnificent than a star in the sky or a new found particle in the Hadron
Collider? What is truly magnificent is that humans can reflect of these new
theories and find ways to serve humanity and move mankind to a higher level of civilization.
Just as scientists observe the experiments of the new found
boson particle, Maria Montessori observed the young child and experimented with
different materials and methods to find out how children learn. In doing so she
discovered the secret of the child’s absorbent mind—a mind that could take in
their environment, their universe, and with their intelligence, create a new
world. She wrote a book about this, the Absorbent
Mind. My book, Montessori—Living the Good Life, speaks of it as
well. (see www.montessoritheory.com)
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