“The land is where our roots are. The children must be taught
to feel and live in harmony with the Earth,” a famous quote of Maria Montessori
and the theme of next year’s 27th International Montessori Congress
being held in Portland, Oregon, “Montessori: Guided by Nature.”
This is going to be a fabulous gathering of thousands from
all over the world, people who care about the child and our environment.
World-renowned speakers, such as Dr. Vandana Shiva, a physicist ecologist and
civil rights activist, a defender of the environment, and, as I mentioned in an
earlier blog, Dr. Bryan Swimme, a mathematical cosmologist and author of
several books on the Universe. Research presentations will reveal the potential
plans for the universal child into the decades to come. The central concern of
the Congress will be the role of humanity within the Earth community and the
continuing creation of the Universe.
I want to spread the news about this Congress to as many folk
as possible because I believe it’s an event that is going to make a global difference
in the future of our children. More information can be found on my website,
www.montessoritheory.com under the Events page as well as: www.montessoricongress.org. Another important quote from Maria Montessori
reminds us that, “Plainly, the environment must be a living one, directed by a
higher intelligence, arranged by an adult who is prepared for his mission.”
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