I’m not finding much peace this week, working on taxes. I wonder
what Maria did about taxes in her day . . . my next research project. Ted and I
do our own taxes working with Turbo. Every year, I swear we are going to have
someone do them but frugal Ted talks me out of it. The questions are endless,
besides all the new terminology. I feel like the IRS, the government, is robbing me of peace. They want to control
my life, my wealth, my property. I feel angry.
I turn and pet my puppy, scratch her neck behind her ears. She is
so peaceful and content with her life—a simple life. I want to live a simple
peaceful life. Like a puppy? No. I’m an
intelligent responsible person wanting to be treated by society, by my
community, by my government, as an intelligent human being. “They’R Us”, I
tell myself which means I’m responsible for how I’m controlled, how the larger
units treat me. The more I participate intelligently in my government, in
society, the more peace I will find
A child lives within this same predicament. The more they can
participate freely in the creation of their world, the more they are allowed to act out of
their inherited intelligence fulfilling their desires, then the happier and
more peaceful adult human being they will be and the saner society’s tax forms
will become.
(for sharing, push comment, then publish; or email: connie@montessoritheory.com)
(for sharing, push comment, then publish; or email: connie@montessoritheory.com)
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