Sunday, March 25, 2012


I didn’t find the movie entertaining. While viewing, I analyzed it, questioning Suzanne Collins’ message; but the showing of her thoughts on the huge Blue Ray screen was pretty gruesome—Ted used the word, 'gory'. I definitely prefer such violent forms of sacrifice, if at all, be contained in the words of novels for adults who need to think of the ‘dystopian’ message and have the freedom in their minds to imagine how it affects them personally.

Watching the masses of people enjoy the sacrifices--young children killing each other—was not what Jesus had in mind for our young people or families when he was crucified . . .perhaps what  Homo Fabers would have considered entertainment, but not parents and educators with intelligence. Maria Montessori would be rolling over in her grave if she knew of the number of young children and adults at the theater, lined up, some sitting on the floor, waiting to rush in with their cola and popcorn.

The games played in the movie remind me of some video games I’ve watched the children play.  More about that next week—I need a nap. My dreams were disturbing last night.    

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, violent movies affect me the same way. I've gotten to the point where the nightmares outweigh the entertainment value, so I don't go.

    I'm curious about your ideas on video games, will check back later to see more about that!
