Saturday, March 16, 2013


“No one puts new wine into old wine-skins, or else the new wine will burst the skins and be spilled, destroying the skins. New wine must be put into fresh wine-skins, and both are preserved” (Luke 5:37-38).

Maria Montessori tells us that to change a generation or nation, to influence it toward good or accentuate characteristics of a people to re-awaken religion or add culture, we must look to the child, an organic unity that is yet being born. We must be willing to be born with the child, to be an organism willing to let go of our old wine-skin, willing to taste the fresh wine of the new-one and realize and appreciate our common humanity—ready to work toward our cosmic destiny of peace. Wars happen because we don’t comprehend or appreciate our shared humanity.

Tonight I listened to a speech by Dr. Ben Carson, a neurologist, brain surgeon, and author of America The Beautiful.  He spoke of the urgency for us, as adults, to unite in “human civility” to do our work of bringing truth and justice to our nation, an essential environment for our children to manifest their potential for creating peace on earth.

How do we do our work when truth or justice is disrupted in our own lives; when our environment is not a peaceful one? Surely the child will suffer.

Part Six in my book, Montessori—Living the Good Life, speaks of the mistakes we all have made in our own lives and how to face them and put them to rest. I think the ‘twelve steps’ were created for all of us and are essential steps toward our well-being and a happy environment for our children.

Please read my book, Montessori--Living the Good Life, and my website,

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