Sunday, May 20, 2012


I love to snoop around in scripture and discover its secrets. When I began reading Maria Montessori’s discoveries I found the same pleasure. She worked to discover the secrets of childhood and found she had discovered the child . . . “an enigma . . . with the highest potentialities, though we do not know what he will be,” says Maria. She observed the child working out his natural tendencies through movement and in time becoming the adult. She created a method and materials to guide the child to a standpoint of happiness and normalization.

The gospels have their secrets also . . . words to lead one on the pathway of life, discoveries to enrich their journey to a state of happiness where love is their companion. Love presents the most perfect environment for all of us but especially for the child. Another famous quote of Maria’s: “The unknown energy that can help humanity is that which lies hidden in the child.” That energy lies hidden in all of us, scripture and Maria tells us. Love is our greatest instrument to bring about change in our world—to bring about peace and an end to wars.
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