Sunday, April 29, 2012


 Recently I was listening to a friend’s comment about Maria Montessori and her understanding of the child as a savior of humankind, an instrument of peace. My friend suggested that my book would have a limited audience with such a premise that the child is the Christ, our Savior. She said many people would not buy that, or be interested in reading about it. Most Christians pray and think of the adult Jesus as their savior, as their Christ. Other organized religious followers have adult gods or persons representing their God; except for the Buddhists who search for the divine child.

Yet, Maria Montessori says, “It is the child who makes the man, and no man exists who was not made by the child he once was.” Another paradox that I’m not sure I can explain except to say that I understand myself to be a disciple of Maria Montessori’s spirit and, at the same time, a follower of Christianity. Do I believe the crucified Jesus is my savior, my Christ? What is my standpoint? I need time to think this over.
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