Monday, May 27, 2013


I remember the exciting time when my first child was born and the nurse brought him to my bedside. He was beautiful—no matter that his head was cone shaped and his eyes crossed. He was the most beautiful sight in the whole world to me that first morning.

Why is it that all babies are beautiful? No matter bald or cone-shaped heads, or different colors or features. To a mother and to a father, the child is beautiful. You hear the phrase, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” but I think there is more to it than that.

The child is the incarnation of its parents. That is, the child gives bodily form to his parents. The child is the flesh of the parent’s love for each other. Each one giving their love to the other bares flesh, another human being. This is truly a miracle.

Much to think about this week—I best close for now.

Please read my book, Montessori—Living the Good Life. I’m blogging on my website:

Sunday, May 12, 2013


My oldest grandson graduates this week. He played the Postlude on the piano for his classes’ Baccalaureate service the night before last. You could hear a pin drop before he was finished—the music was that moving. He has been fortunate to have a loving environment with collaborative parents who understood his moods and allowed him his moments of joy and peace.

Maren Schmidt’s kids’ newsletter, has a special conversation on Experiencing the Moment with an enlightening understanding of the child’s realization of joy and goodness.

Music is a blessed media to escape the troubled world and find peace in the truth of beautiful sounds. I’m pleased to know my grandson will have his gift of music to share and will continue to create a life of his own, and I'm proud of his courage and dedication to his talent and willingness to listen to his own spirit.

Please read my book, Montessori—Living the Good Life. I’m blogging on my website:

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Through culture and traditions, the adult works to prepare different environments for the child working to become the adult. One of the environments the adult prepares for the young child is through the initiation of baptism where the child learns to be one with the Holy Spirit. Through the enlightened Word, the adult works to share their bread, their grace, with their child.

The child, of course, comes to share his life that is already grace-filled, already God-given; so we sing, Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. I wonder sometimes, who is the lamb—the child or the adult?

Peace can happen, and will happen, if the adult can see, can be aware, can collaborate, with the grace of the child, and work toward an environment of love.

Maria Montessori's life work was for peace in our world. She understood the potential peace, joy, and hope the newborn, the young child brings. Through collaboration with the child she discovered ways to turn on the lights for parents and educators. Living the life of the Holy Spirit helps a great deal

Please read my book, Montessori—Living the Good Life. I’m blogging on my website: