Saturday, March 23, 2013


To be born with the child we have to be humble like the child. We have to be and see ourselves out of the box. A child has, knows, faith when we are their environment of God to them. They can venture out to the edge of the stair because they know we are there, watching, and will be there if they fall. That’s our work, to provide a safe environment, both physically and mentally, for the child’s creation of faith. Later, with their gift of faith, they will create their own faith environment.

Maria Montessori understood this work of the child and created materials and a method to aid children in their efforts. She had to be humble to allow them to toil independently, sacrificing her authority in telling them what to do rather than showing them the process with great humility. As parents of small children, we are their God, and we must accept this role with great awe and unpretentiousness, otherwise we risk becoming arrogant tyrants, heaven forbid, taking charge of their life.

It is no different for us as adults. We have no right to take charge of another’s life. If another should ask and benefit from our assistance, then think of the small child, and be present with them respectfully, showing faith in their potential goodness and greatness.

Please read my book, Montessori—Living the Good Life. And check out the website:

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